Your culinary inspiration


No more excuses!

Even when you don't have too much time to prepare, these ideas will keep you on track and give you a variety of flavours to start your day.



Consistency is key, however, you don't want to find yourself running out of ideas or eating the same thing every single day.

Take a look at these delicious options, explore all the colours (more nutrients) and keep hitting your goals.


Sometimes you want a lighter option, or something quick after a very busy day.

Or sometimes, you want to impress the family with something new. Either way, it can be highly nutritious, and delicious.


Because nothing is off the table!

Achieving results are 80/20 rule. So you still have 20% for those soul foods that bring you joy to your mouth.

My recipes are macro-friendly to help you stay on track.

Three healthy smoothies examples


I’ve heard before about people who struggle by getting some calories in during morning time.


Smoothies are an excellent option to start changing your habits, get your daily micronutrients, all the colors of the rainbow and that sweet taste in your mount that we absolutely love.

protein chocolate balls


There’s no magic behind food-frequency. I recommend my clients to pack as many meals as they feel comfortable with.


If you feel like something small is needed between your main meals, these are incredible-tasty options. You can satisfy your sweet tooth without getting off your plans.