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"I wish I knew that before"?

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lady at the sea thinking

How and where to start my fitness journey

Imagine this if you will, it’s a new year, a time when many make a goal of starting a new fitness routine as well as other resolutions. Goals are a tricky thing. They are well-intentioned, but they also create a gap between who you are and who you want to be. Not reaching your goals, which happens to many people can be detrimental to your self-worth.

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5 Reasons why women should lift weights to lose weight

When women hear someone say they should lift weights, they picture themselves becoming bulky and big as Jay Cutler, ruining their joints and losing their femininity.

Guess what? Those statements are not factual at all. And it is my job to share with you the correct information.

Pregnancy, pregnancy result, calendar, planning a baby

Thinking of pregnancy? These are my top 3 tips to prepare your body & mind

I know how it does feel, the expectations, the excitement, the happiness and joy that comes with the decision of being a mom. But maybe you just found out, or you're still deciding if this is the right moment to take off on this beautiful journey.

Diet and exercise postpartum

If you have been there done that you will know that diet and exercise after giving birth isn’t the first thing on your to do list and from experience, it’s not the easiest thing to just get up and get on with it.

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